Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Language, Hannah

1. Pg, 60
" ...lost all my mirth..."
Basic Definition: great merriment.
The word mirth contributes to the context because Hamlet is very  sad about his father dying and he is explaining how he is depressed and nothing makes him happy anymore. This is important because this is one of the reasons that Hamlet is so upset with his mother and all the other people, they are all happy and celebrating so soon after his father's death.

2. Pg. 49
"I assure my good liege.."
Basic Definition: a feudal lord entitled to allegiance and service.
This word adds to the meaning of the work because everyone keeps referring to the King as this but he does not really even deserve to be king. Hamlet is the rightful heir and should've been king after his father died but since the former King's brother killed him and married the queen now prince Hamlet cannot be king and his uncle has taken over.

3. Pg. 46
" He raised a sigh so piteous and profound..."
Basic Definition: deserving pity
The word piteous adds to the tone of the story because it helps the reader understand how upset Hamlet really is. The other characters in the story are taking pity on Hamlet and they are very worried about him because of his strange behavior.

4. Pg. 65
"...thy face is valanced since I saw thee last. "
Basic Definition: a decorative framework to conceal curtain fixtures at the top of a window casing.
This word helps set the tone because it shows how Hamlet is hiding something. whether it be the fact that he saw his father's ghost or just the fact that he is hurting on the inside and he is trying to put up a front and a valance is used to hide things.

5. Pg. 71
" ...all his visage wanned..."
Basic Definition: the appearance conveyed by a person's face.
This word contributes to the context because many characters in the story are hiding something and they are trying to keep it a secret and not show it by the look on their face.

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